India is number ONE in the world
This represents the tragic reality of fatal accidents in India in 2022. India ranks first in accident-related deaths - a painful truth that reminds us that every lost life was someone’s loved one, someone’s hope, and someone’s world.
Causes of Death
Share of Accidental Deaths due to non natural causes in India 2022. There were 430504 accidents happening across the country amongst all these human error based accidents approximately half of the accidents occured on roads. This is the extent and severity of road accidents taking place at a day to day basis.
Road Accidents killing our future?
Among all age groups, it is the 25 to 35-year-olds who suffer the most from road accidents. This group, at a critical stage in their lives, faces an overwhelming loss that demands our immediate focus.
More than just numbers
Human cost of Indian Roads
This is the story of all 1,64,891 people that got killed due to road accidents in India in the year 2022.
Each symbol represents 10 person.These numbers may appear as mere figures, but together, they paint a tragic picture—lives unfinished, families torn apart, and futures that will never come to be.
Men have chances of dying in an accident more than 86% that too in the age range of 25-35. Out of the 10 people killed in an accident 9 happen to be men.
We often believe that people driving cars are caught up in majority of the accidents but the people driving the 2 wheelers are most prone to accidents.
Pedestrians are highly killed by road accidents that too whose age is greater than 45 years. These cover cover 60% of road killings.
2 wheelers
Hand used vehicles
Auto rickshaws
We often believe that accidents are caused due to our errors like drinking and driving or not being in the right lane, But the reality is more than 71% is done due to overspeeding.
More than seven out of ten lives are put at risk by speeding drivers.
Drunken Driving
Jumping red light
Use of Electronics
Driving in wrong lane
We tend to protect our products when they are new but thats opposite here. Vehicles whose age is less than 5 year show highest percentage of road killings
less than 5yr
5-10 yr